Tuesday, October 22, 2024

On International Women’s Day, a Reflection on Women, Education and Career



Women in India have come a long way from the days when they had to face extreme levels of exploitation and adhered to clearly defined norms prescribed by the society. Till recent decades, women and taboos have always walked together; the latter been the prime mechanism to regulate the norms for the former in the “dos and don’ts”. Such taboos were to a large extend created as an impediment in achieving what they want and crushed their dreams for a bright career. But today, it is in the broader context of the social and economic milieu that women in India have come to occupy their rightful space in choosing from different alternatives in life. Professional women in India have broken the glass ceiling moving beyond the confined patterns of life; scripting and shaping into new dimensions making impressive strides.

When we think of women and their career what first comes to our mind is that she becomes a school teacher, nurse, secretaries, receptionist etc. Our mind tends to think in this way because we have already certain preconceived ideas about women attached to them as soft, emotional, shy, indecisive, narrow minded and weak. At a time even after India’s Independence it was unimaginable for a woman to take the professions of Doctor, scientist, Engineer; CEO’s of companies. She was expected to be confined to the four walls of the house doing her daily chores and specifically engaged in the kitchen. A typical features where women are made to live without giving them the chance to explore the world. And the worst aspect in such situation ensured that majority of the Indian women were made to belief that this was all she had to be.

But the dawn of Modern India enhanced with the use of technology had changed the outlook of Indian women forever. Today women have achieved the unachievable success in counterpart to men. To this we can say Education as the prime mover of “Game changer” in the life of Indian women in the 21st century. By far the most critical aspect of this march for success has been the collective that felt the necessity for change to be a possible one. Educated young girls want to work with a difference. There are ample of examples to celebrate Indian women’s remarkable achievements practically in every walk of life. We have women for the job as Engineers, Doctors, Civil Servants, Ministers, CEO’s, Scientist, leaders and in many other professions integrated with their skills and talents. The successful stories of women in such careers have also made a huge change in the attitude and outlook of women becoming an active agency contributing for a progressive development to the society. There is a beautiful quote from Boss Lady Motivational Notebook which reads as “Be a strong woman so your daughter will have a role model and your son will know what to look for in a woman when he’s a man”.

Contribution of women in India in building the society continues to play a vital role even at the institutional level of government offices, corporate companies, legislature, art, films, and in the field of sports and games. These women have brought luminous unique perspective to the table of discussion enriching the menu in the list. Although it is evident that despite the enormous stride taken by women, there are still many mountains to climb. As Gloria Vanderbilt says “I always believed that one woman’s success can only help another woman’s success”. Women can play critical important role in shaping the future of our country but for much she depends on the goals she sets for herself and the visions she charts for future. It must be believed that if a woman chooses to conquer the world, then nobody can stop her from doing so.

(The article was originally published at The Imphal Reviews.)



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